ALIVE gives us the tools we need to weather the storms of life on a daily basis, learn lessons from them, and truly enjoy all the wonderful things that life has to offer.

So, stuff happens…there are the tiny inconveniences…

I barely have enough time to get to work and I forgot to fill up on the way home, 21 miles to empty. 51 miles to work. SHOOT! The dog starts barking at 2 a.m. and I have to get up at 5 a.m. UGH! I stand at the counter of a local business for 15-20 minutes and none of the employees acknowledge my presence (I’m the only customer). I go home to order online and wait for delivery. Just everyday life stuff, but it can be irritating. Nothing major or really important but It can rock my boat a little bit.

Then, sometimes, a storm blows in…

I don’t get the job I worked so hard for, My credit cards are maxed out, the car breaks down, and how do I get where I need to go? I spend too much money on vacation and now I have bills due. These toss us around a but, we ride it out pretty quick.

Then it happens…the big one…the hurricane...

Divorce, addiction, a failing business, a life-altering motorcycle wreck, or a diagnosis with only palliative treatment. The things that rock our boat until we are capsized into the deep, dark water. We find ourselves sitting alone on the a deserted island wondering how we got there. Sometimes, I struggle…a lot of times I struggle. Sometimes, I have wanted to quit. Sometimes, I have gone into the pit of depression.

Many of us have experienced a “hurricane” and all of us have witnessed one. No matter what we struggle with. No matter what our hurts and hang-ups may be. No matter what happens in our life. No matter what island we end up on. We are getting out ALIVE.

Our lives are a series of ups and downs from ripples in the water to category five hurricanes. But there is just as much beautiful sunshine as there are storms. Without the hurricane would we appreciate the calm as much? Could we hold as much wisdom, compassion, and gratitude without our hurricane experiences? ALIVE gives us the tools we need to weather storms of life on a daily basis, learn lessons from them, and truly enjoy all the wonderful things that life has to offer.

The ALIVE tools were given to me in the midst of my own “hurricane.” As the stormy waters threatened to take me down, I received a lifeline. I truly understood (finally, after much struggle) what it means to live fully ALIVE. It is my goal to empower individuals with the tools they need to live life to the fullest and to build a community where women thrive through connection, workshops, and creativity. We are all meant to live ALIVE.


What does it mean to live ALIVE?


LOVE yourself.

IMAGINE and dream continually.

Have VICTORY over victim mentality.

EVOLVE into the person you are meant to be.

Be AUTHENTIC to yourself

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”