The History of ALIVE


We, Chris Smith and Dale Childress, began a ritual of “Table Talk” in 2016. We got together at Woodstock Bake Shop every Saturday morning to discuss a unlimited variety of topics. No topic was taboo. We both agreed to be open minded and that there were never any wrong answers as long as the answer was authentic to self. As we learned to be authentic in our conversations, Table Talk evolved due to the need to build a “bigger table” where everyone was welcome to have a seat. We found that there was no end to hurting people in this world. Abuse, addiction, cancer, grief, religion…the list kept growing. We looked for a program that helped people struggling with any issue and found that these programs were typically housed in churches. With a passion for people who had been hurt by religion or religious people, we knew a church program would not reach many of the people we wanted to serve. Striving to break down walls and build bridges, we eventually birthed the acronym ALIVE. ALIVE stands for AUTHENTIC, LOVE, IMAGINE, VICTORY, and EVOLVE. In 2018, we decided that it was time to move forward with ALIVE and formed a business, Manor Road Studio, to help facilitate a way to reach those that are hurting. Using our experiences and stories as a basis to connect with others, we strive to share hope with others each and every day.

2018 and most of 2019 proved to be a tough season for us. Dale’s Stage 4, Gleason 9 Prostate Cancer came out of remission with a vengeance. I had someone pull out in front of me on the Trike on my way home from work one evening. I survived a wreck that should have taken my life. We are both lucky to be here today. Surgeries, chemo, occupational therapy, physical therapy, infections…between the two of us we spent a great deal of time in hospitals and clinics. The biggest thing we learned throughout this season of our life was that you only have today. The past can’t be changed and the future isn’t here yet. We truly started to live in the present. We knew life was short and began to study and search. We keep reaching for our authentic selves.

Once life started settling down a bit, the pandemic hit. We realized that people are still struggling with their stuff but we must be innovative to reach them. We still spoke at recovery meetings but struggled to get ALIVE going. We discussed and discussed but didn’t really figure out how to make it work. I (Chris) started a painting meditation practice. Through this practice, I met my mentor, Whitney Freya. You can learn more about her at I was destined to be part of her Creatively Fit Coach training course. This course is allowing me to grow myself, grow my painting practice, and to tie it all to living ALIVE.


This website may contain advice and information related to healing and is not meant to diagnose, treat, or prescribe. It should be used to supplement, not replace, the advice of your physician or other trained healthcare practitioner. If you know or suspect you have a medical condition, are experiencing physical symptoms, or if you feel ill, seek your Primary Care Practitioner’s advice before embarking on any program or treatment. You use the information on this site at your own risk and the author accepts no liability if adverse affects occur.

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